Our team at West Valley Pediatric Dentistry wants to reward our patients for taking care of their teeth between their dental visits. When your child comes for a checkup, Dr. Bailey will check for cavities. If your child is cavity-free, they are a Cavity Buster, and every time this happens, your child will receive a special certificate! But wait, it gets better! Your child’s name will also be entered into our monthly drawing; if their name is picked, they become our “Cavity Buster of the Month” and will win a cool prize, including tickets to Lagoon, an iPod, and much more!

We are excited to provide our Cavity Buster program to help your child maintain a healthy, happy, and beautiful smile. Please contact us for more information and to schedule your child’s next appointment with our caring pediatric dentist in Taylorsville, Utah. We hope that your child is our next Cavity Buster of the Month!

Cavity Buster of the Month